Boxing And Hypertension Found A New Tea With Good Feedback, But Have A Problem.?


Found A New Tea With Good Feedback, But Have A Problem.? - boxing and hypertension

I have this tea called neck organic layer. It assumes you know very well, and I had quite a lot of problems lately neck. I looked in the box and told not to drink if you have high blood pressure. I suffer from mild hypertension, but not so bad, and I do a lot better lately. Should I drink it anyway? It is a blend of herbs, and one of you might point out, not what to play or what my blood pressure? Here are the ingredients: Licorice root, Slippery Elm bark is, licorice root dry aqueous extract, marshmallow root, wild cherry bark, bitter fruit, fennel, cinnamon and sweet orange peel. He says it is completely organic, and there is absolutely no other ingredients. Can someone help me here?


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